Let's Move a Nation to Care for Our Returning Troops...One Free Book at a Time
"In Moving A Nation to Care another tragic layer of the Iraq War is revealed through Meagher’s meticulous reporting. This is a must read for returning troops and their families. Ms. Meagher’s book will save lives.” -- Trish Wood, author of What Was Asked of Us: An Oral History of the Iraq War by the Soldiers Who Fought It
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My -- our -- upcoming book, Moving a Nation to Care: Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and America's Returning Troops is heading off to the printer this week. My publisher tells me that the more pre-orders we receive before we go to print, the better. So, while trying to cook up something creative, I came up with an idea: rather than simply try to sell a few more books, why not find a way to get the book into the hands of more people out there who may not yet know about it?
So, here's the plan:
For every book pre-ordered today, March 5, 2007, from Amazon.com, I will personally send an additional signed, complimentary copy to a person or organization of your choice. What that means is this: for $10 and change today, you'll not only receive your own copy in May from Amazon.com, you'll also have the chance to gift a second copy to someone else. You're pretty special, eh?“A meticulously researched book that is essential for any truly patriotic American who wants to delve beneath the generic headlines and shallow American talking points and discover the real costs of the war on our Armed Forces as well as our great country.” -- Zack Bazzi, Iraq veteran and cameraman/star of The War Tapes
So, how do you get your free book?
1. Pre-order Moving a Nation to Care from Amazon.com today, March 5, 2007.
2. Forward a copy of your Amazon.com order confirmation email (be sure I can see the date of the order, but delete your credit card and/or identifying info if you’d like to make your donation anonymously) to freebook@ptsdcombat.com.
3. Email me with the name, message (if any) and mailing address of the person or organization your free copy should be sent to, again to freebook@ptsdcombat.com.“Ilona Meagher has done an impressive and important job in researching, assembling and chronicling the psychological suffering and neglect visited upon our new generation of veterans, their families and our nation. She assembles heartbreaking evidence from stories and statistics, journalism, social scientific research, historical record and first-person accounts. Our military servicemen and women are called to protect us. In turn, our duty as citizens is to help them return home and heal. Moving a Nation to Care sounds a citizens' alarm to action on behalf of our veterans. We all must answer its call.” -- Edward Tick, Ph.D., author of War and the Soul, The Golden Tortoise and The Practice of Dream Healing and Director of Soldier's Heart: A Veterans' Safe Return Initiative
Who might you want to send the book to?
The choice is yours. A few possibilities:
* A family member
* A friend
* A neighbor
* A co-worker
* A veteran
* A military family member
* A veterans' organization
* Your local Vet Center
* A local counselor/psychologist
* Your library
* Your local college
* Your local newspaper
* Your local radio station
* Your senator
* Your congressman
* Your governor
* Your mayor
* Your state representative
* Your favorite radio talk show host
* Your favorite television talk show host
* Oprah :o)
* You!
If you'd like to learn a little bit more about the book, check out early book reviews [ 1 | 2 ] as well as our flyer, my bio, my present tour schedule (more being added in the coming weeks), and all of the latest book news. Thanks so much for your early support. It is much appreciated and much-needed. "PTSD is not a new phenomenon. But this painstakingly footnoted and researched guide reveals the little-recognized cost of the embedded pain and suffering wrought on returning U.S. troops by a high-tech, frontless, victoryless, faith-based, quagmire occupation of Iraq. This work by a second-career journalist shows that passion, persistence and Internet-honed training can produce as fine -- and as timely -- a work as any traditional news organization." -- Bill Densmore, director of The Media Giraffe Project at UMass Amherst
The fine print
This free book offer is only available for orders made through Amazon.com on March 5, 2007. It is not available to those who have previously pre-ordered a copy. Depending upon the response, I may have to limit this offer to a certain number of books -- I'm thinking 50 -- but may go over that limit a tad if necessary. If two orders come in with instructions to mail a book out to the same person or organization, I will honor the first emailer's order, and make alternate arrangements with the second. Responsibility to claim your free book is solely yours; please email me within the next week or so to let me know you're out there and where you wish me to mail your complimentary book when they arrive in May 2007.
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