'Moving a Nation to Care' at the AJC Decatur Book Festival
Happy Labor Day to you and yours.
Two posts tonight on the Atlanta Journal Constitution. The AJC reports on a Fort Benning stress study that's been shut down by the Army; and, after arriving home last night and uploading my photos of the AJC Decatur Book Festival, a few reflections on my southernmost reading and signing of 'Moving a Nation to Care' to date. (on the table to the right, below Karen Abbott's "Sin in the Second City.")
As you can see from the photos, the weather was wonderful, the smiles top notch. I had the pleasure of meeting Da Chen (originally from China) and Man Martin (a whimsical local author); our Saturday book signing sessions were slated for the same time and place, giving us a chance to share bits and pieces of our stories with one another. Fascinating gentlemen!
The highlight for me, of course, was yesterday's 'Moving a Nation to Care' reading and signing at Decatur City Hall. It's a tough subject any time it's broached, but even tougher on a sunny holiday weekend's Sunday morning. But mothers and sisters and brothers of troops who are currently serving (and one sweet lady who knew many who served in WWII), caregivers and vets and simply concerned citizens came together to focus energy on the needs of our troops and their families.
Great job by the organizers and volunteers; thank you for creating a beautiful space for these discussions and experiences.