NPR's Diane Rehm Show: Discussion on Troop Mental Health
A big, hearty thank you goes out to The Diane Rehm show which today devoted one full hour of programming to the topic of Mental Health and Military Service in Iraq. The show discussed the "types of problems [our combat troops] are experiencing, the help available, and long term cost to individuals, their families, and the nation."
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Guests included:
Listen to the full program [Real Audio - Windows Media], and then send your thanks to Ms. Rehm for devoting such a large portion of her program to this important topic today.
And a Personal Thank You
A personal 'thank you' goes out to a tireless Vietnam vet with the biggest of hearts, Jim Starowicz. Jim (who has his own very fine blog) has been one of my strongest allies in collecting interesting PTSD-related information to pass along to you. Thank you, Jim. Oh, if there were more like you in the world! But, I'm glad we have you.